Whatever you health concern or needs are, there are a wide range of professionals available within your local community or online that are able to help.
Please use the image below to find out which service is right for your particular need or click here for a more extensive list.

Pharmacy First Scotland is an NHS service provided by your local community pharmacy. If you have a minor illness, a pharmacy is the first place you should go for advice. You do not usually need an appointment and you can go to any pharmacy. this service is open to anyone who is registered with a GP practice in Scotland, or who lives in Scotland. The Pharmacy teams will offer, advice, treatment or referral to other healthcare teams if required.
NHS Inform is Scotland’s national health information service. The aim of this is to provide the people in Scotland with accurate and relevant information to help them make informed decisions about their own health and the health of the people they care for.
On NHS Inform there is a wide selection of self help guides that can provide you with the appropriate advise.
For more information on which service is best suited for you please click here.
Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) – The MIU department can help you with a range of ailments such as, a cut, minor burn, sprain or strain, of if you think that you have broken or fractured a bone. Visiting a MIU can often be quicker than going to A&E. If you think that you need to visit MIU then you should call NHS 24 on 111.
NHS 24 – This service provides provides urgent care and advice when your GP, pharmacy or dental practice is closed. You can call this number if you are too ill to wait until your GP practice opens or if you think that you need to attend A&E but it is not a life threatening issue. You will be assessed for a range of concerns including cuts, burns, suspected broken bones, sprains and other injuries or illnesses. This may involve a telephone or video consultation with a clinician from your local health board or an appointment to attend A&E or Minor Injuries unit, avoiding a long wait in a hospital waiting room. NHS 24 can be contacted on 111.